

The sounds represented here are those of British English spoken with an R.P. (Received Pronunciation) accent.



ɪ ] kit /kɪt/, bid /bɪd/, hymn /hɪm/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/
[ ʊ ] foot /fʊt/, put /pʊt/, good /gʊd/
ʌ ] strut /strʌt/, mud /mʌd/, love /lʌv/, blood /blʌd/
ɒ ] lot /lɒt/, odd /ɒd/, wash /wɒʃ/
ə ] about /əˈbaʊt/, common /ˈkɒmən/, standard /ˈstændəd/, butter /ˈbʌtə/
[ e ] dress /dres/, bed /bed/, head /hed/, many /ˈmeni/
æ ] trap /træp/, stamp /stæmp/, bad /bæd/

[ i: ] fleece /fliːs/, sea /siː/, machine /məˈʃiːn/
uː ] goose /guːs/, two /tuː/, blue /bluː/, group /gruːp/
ɑː ] father /ˈfɑːðə/, start /stɑːt/, hard /hɑːd/
ɔː ] thought /θɔːt/, law /lɔː/, north /nɔːθ/, war /wɔː/
ɜː ] nurse /nɜːs/, stir /stɜː/, learn /lɜːn/, refer /rəˈfɜː/

ɪə ] near /nɪə/, here /hɪə/, weary /ˈwɪərɪ/
ʊə ] tour /tʊə/, jury /ˈʤʊərɪ/, cure /kjʊə/
aɪ ] price /praɪs/, high /haɪ/, try /traɪ/, eye /aɪ/
ɔɪ ] choice /ʧɔɪs/, noise /nɔɪz /, boy /bɔɪ/, boiler /ˈbɔɪlə/
əʊ ] goat /gəʊt/, show /ʃəʊ/, no /nəʊ/
eə ] square /skweə/, fair /feə/, various /ˈveəriəs/
aʊ ] mouth /maʊθ/, now /naʊ/, fowl /faʊl/
eɪ ] face /feɪs/, day /deɪ/, break /breɪk/

To be continued...